Valentine's Day

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Name: Valentine's Day
Date: February 14, 2026
Event Description:
Valentine's Day is a celebration of love and friendship []. The idea of Valentine's Day seems to have originated during the Middle Ages, somewhere around the 14th or 15th century.  The holiday derived its name from two Roman martyrs for love, both named Valentine.  

The first Valentine was beheaded on February 14th, but not before leaving a note signed from your Valentine for his lady. The second Valentine was supposedly a bishop who secretly married young couples, an act that was forbidden by the Roman Emperor who wanted young men to first serve as soldiers before marrying.  Valentine ignored the law and was beheaded on February 14. An ancient Roman festival called Lupercalia, a celebration for which young men randomly chose the name of a young girl [] to escort to the festivities, has also been linked to the origins of Valentine's Day. Since then, the custom of selecting a sweetheart on February 14th has spread through Europe and its colonies and transformed itself into the celebration of love and friendship that we know today.

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