Washington's B-day or President's Day

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Name: Washington's B-day or President's Day
Date: February 16, 2026
Event Description:
President's Day, or Washington's Birthday as it is still legally known, was originally designed as a celebration of George Washington's birthdate.  In 1880, Congress voted to make this the first national holiday which honored an individual.  In 1968, Congress enacted the Uniform Monday Bill, to give workers as many long weekends as possible. This moved as many holidays to a standard Monday each year.  Many states were already honoring Abraham Lincoln's birthday, February 12th, and this celebration was combined with George Washington's birthday, for one federal holiday.  It is observed on the third Monday in February each year.
Date/Time Information:
Washington's Birthday was first declared a federal holiday by an 1879 act of Congress. The Uniform Holidays Act, 1968 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Monday_Holiday_Act], shifted the date of the commemoration of Washington's Birthday [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washington%27s_Birthday] from February 22 to the third Monday in February (between February 15 and 21, meaning the observed holiday never falls on Washington's actual birthday). Because of this, combined with the fact that President Lincoln [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_Lincoln]'s birthday falls on February 12, many people now refer to this holiday as "Presidents' Day" and consider it a day honoring all American presidents. However, neither the Uniform Holidays Act nor any subsequent law changed the name of the holiday from Washington's Birthday [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washington%27s_Birthday] to Presidents' Day.[53] [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_the_United_States#cite_note-53]

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